This is a true story of a girl who once was my friend. We were talking over the phone and she was telling me about her mother who had died when she was about 16 years old.
She started telling me about her and after a while, choked up and started crying.
She told me, “You know, till date I keep my ammi’s photo besides my bed. Do you know why?”
“Because you miss her?” I asked.
“Yes, I do. But the main reason is because I have a regret. When she was on her deathbed and taking her last breaths, she gestured to me with her hand with whatever little strength she had for me to come closer.”
“I was too angry at her because of some stupid fight we had 2 weeks ago. I shouted at her instead. She cried and reached out to my hand as much as she could, desperately, but I didn’t even let her touch me.”
“In a few minutes, she closed her eyes forever.”

People think I am perfect. That’s logical right? I mean an author who talks so positively about empowerment, about spirituality and all. The truth is, I am not. In fact, I have done some really terrible things in my life that till this day, I wish I could take them back.
I too have been blinded by anger, rage and almost every negative emotion that almost everyone else goes through.
Each and every instance has taught me to become more loving, more tolerant of others and the most important lesson, to forgive.
It’s true, hurt people, hurt people. If you are reading this, ask yourself, who do you need to forgive in your life? You wouldn’t have to look too far in your mind.
Forgive them. Forgive them for what they could not be for you, for what they were never able to give to you, forgive them for being human and having their fair share of faults.
There is truly a lot of healing power in forgiveness. Remember, it is only the strong of heart who can forgive. Forgive yourself and others because if you are looking for the guilty, you would just have to look in the mirror.
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