"Men bond by abusing each other and don't mean it, women bond by complimenting each other and don't mean it either." -Anon
Men are simple creatures but they can hide their emotions very well because they have always been expected to. If a girl is sad, there will be 10 other guys asking her why she feels that way, mostly because those 10 just want to get in her pants. Only some guys might be genuine in making sure that you are taken care of. But no one even asks a guy how he feels.
I look at my parents who have been happily married for about 40 years and I really appreciate what they have. Sure they fight, sure they do the normal things that couples do and sure they have had more than their fair share of bad times, but they have been honest and compassionate to each other. They were each other’s first and only love.
I really wish to have that. To grow up with someone and whether near or far, just know that you have them and that they have you. What has gone wrong with this generation? It’s making more mistakes and teenagers are living such complicated lives that it seems like a cheap adaptation of some TV sitcom!
Ask a guy what he wants and he will tell you straight on your face. When a guy loves a girl, he gives her more than his heart. He gives her a part of his life that he will never get back, neither does he want to have it back because it belongs to you now. He will be more than happy to hang out with his buddies, eat, sleep, watch a movie or do some reading. A guy is happy being alone.
In fact, he is more than happy being alone and he can handle his emotions well because when he is alone, he does all his thinking himself. But when he is with you, how your day went becomes how his day went. Everything starts from you and ends with you.
Females have this incessant need of always being with someone who can make them feel special. Sometimes they forget that their guy too has loads of things happening in his life and when he has, he just needs to be left alone. Remember, how you think, feel and what manifests is always a match.
There is just too much emotion being flung around carelessly by females that it gets to me sometimes. And when girls throw their emotions carelessly, it manifests as complete crap. A guy just takes it head on. Sure he might become reserved, angry or distant but you will rarely find a guy who bitches for long.
“Just like a wounded lizard crawls into some quiet corner of the room to grow its tail, a guy too needs that space kind of space and desires to be left alone to rejuvenate himself and activate the self healing mechanism.” –Ankush Modawal ;D
Don’t call him or disturb him when he is doing that. He will become very pissed off. Also, another act of self blunder is thinking that he doesn’t care about you. Oh, trust me, he cares. But if you are stupid enough to not know that or his value, he will gladly let you go. He cares, but at the same time, he also expects you to be smart enough to make wise decisions. One of those wise decisions is not to over think or overcomplicate a situation. Guys, expect you to stick to one thing and make up your frickin’ mind! Seriously, cut him some slack.
“You might be surprised to know that some guys have a heart that’s softer than yours.” –Ankush Modawal
Each guy I know who is worth knowing has had his heart ripped out and thrown in the dustbin. No one cares about a guy, why should they? He’s a guy! He should be man enough to handle themselves and others right? Honestly, I just see compassion for men being raped in the name of PMS or mood swings.
No one listens to a guy. No one sees his tears that he has kept in his eyes for so long that he himself has forgotten that he had ever kept them there. Really girls, ask yourself what you are without the man you love in your life?
Breakups happening every day, divorce rates are going high, fights, sleepless nights, passionless sex, stress! In the midst of your emotions, have you ever asked yourself how a man feels? If you ever just for one second leave your overburdening dictionary of emotions and ask your guy how he really feels, you will hear a very few meaningful words. You will uncover a nail in the heart that every man lives with. Listen, don’t just hear.
If you have been cheated on or used by a guy, you must know that he was not always like this. The number one reason why men become players is because they are just too frustrated being treated like shit.
A girl sleeps with a bad boy, has one night stands, feels bad about it, bitches about him to her friends and does every spineless thing to cover her tracks and claim it as an accident.
A nice guy who loves a girl is taken for granted. Is manipulated, deceived and keeps on waiting for her just to have his heart broken? Which option do you think makes more business sense to a guy then? Being a nice guy or a bad boy? Being someone who truly loves and have his heart ripped out or be a player who just sees girls as objects who are only good enough to have sex with?
It is seriously disheartening as to whatever is going on with the girls of the world today. Girls, just know one thing, when it is a man’s fault, he will accept it without hesitating. His world starts and ends with you. He does not become unexpressive just because he doesn’t tell you that he loves you 10 times a day. He can feel restless and what you think of as boring is actually happiness for him.
“The reason he sometimes doesn’t tell you how much you mean is because words can be faked and he expects you to know that feelings cannot be.” –Ankush Modawal
You might even judge me for writing this blog coz somehow over the time I have been labeled as a spiritual author.

“It’s the calmest waters that run the deepest.” –Ankush Modawal
If you treat him like a king, if you love, respect and listen to what he tells you to do honestly and without the ulterior motive of getting love back from him, you will live a life that will feel as if it’s straight out of a Disney movie instead of a drama sitcom series.
“There is only one answer to every question, love.” –Ankush Modawal
Learn from the wisdom of ages and take advice from people who actually are living the kind of life you want to live. Don’t get it twisted.
P.S: Don’t blame PMS, learn to fuckin’ take care of your emotions yourself! Understand your man and love him.
P.P.S: Men, don’t take this blog as an excuse to become an asshole, I will personally come and bitch slap you otherwise. Love your girl and don’t try to understand her coz who she is depends upon her moods and thoughts which at times can be as stable as a dried leaf in a storm!
P.P.P.S: Exceptions always exist for both men and women as to how they are.
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