That old saying, early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise has changed to early to bed, early to rise makes other people suspicious!
"Today, not only do we have information at our fingertips, we get information by our fingertips. We press a button, the T.V is on. We press a button and boom, the latptop is on. We press a button and hallelujah, we're on a video call with someone halfway across the globe. The mighty finger is what decides what goes into your mind. And remember, that it is your finger clicking the mouse or tapping the touch pad that brought you here." -Ankush Modawal
All this is great but there is a downside to the world coming in closer and time zones becoming practically non-existent. The downside is; nobody is getting enough sleep these days, including me! My wake up call came a few days back when I found myself reading the message I had typed for a friend of mine as a reply to his.
Sleeping early bro, see you in the morning.
This message was typed at 3 AM.
Sleeping early bro, see you in the morning.
This message was typed at 3 AM.
"You don't realize what you are doing wrong until you catch yourself doing it." -Ankush Modawal
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My favorite cartoon character, Garfield, doing one of my favorite things |
The thing is, nobody even knows why we sleep. We just do. That's as much as what the majority of the people know about sleep. But sleep has so much more chemistry behind it than just giving the body rest.
When you sleep, your mind goes into an alpha state several times during the course of your sleep. Alpha state is a very beneficial and resonant vibration that tunes in to the vibration of greater healing. This is the time when you are open to sudden flashes of brilliance, inspiration and a time when your subconscious is most receptive for positive suggestions. Also, it a time when the brain produces the yummy or happy chemicals which promote the overall feeling of well being. Ever wonder why you had a really smart thought or a piece of music just 'came' to you, when you were almost asleep, but you couldn't remember it later when you were wide awake?
The two most important chemicals that sleep produces is Dopamine and Dimethyltryptamine. That's why you are groggy when you wake up and feel as if you are drunk or high. It's because you are!
The body is the most complex chemical factory in the world and it has the ability to heal and restore itself no matter what. So many people smoke weed or marijuana even after the government has banned it because it is believed that smoking weed releases more quantities of Dopamine in our body. Plus, Cannabis has Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC). That's why Dopamine is lovingly called by a lot of people, dope.
During heavy REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, the body produces DMT or the spirit molecule. I will not go into detail about all these things but I have included the terminology so that whoever wants to educate themselves more on this topic can type in the keywords and do so. I'm not against any drugs or support the use of drugs, the main purpose I am writing this article is so that you can think for yourself by educating yourself about the complexities that go behind something as simple as sleeping.
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If you feel like this in the morning, you know what I'm saying |
Now, don't get me wrong. I am a fan of alcohol and food myself, but I binge occasionally, on some weekends. If you are ordering junk food and drinking every day or night, wake the fuck up and go to sleep on time!
Lack of sleep causes depression as well. More than half the women in this world act crazy and have mood swings because they aren't getting enough good sleep. Do you realize when you haven't had enough sleep, you feel really fucked up. That's the time when you start attracting negative things in your life.
People see me as a really wise, smart and intelligent guy. You should see me when I haven't slept properly. I am like Bruce Banner when I am well rested and I turn into the Hulk when I am sleep deprived. Yes, and HULK SMASH! Hey, even I turn into a crazy cranky asshole when I don't get enough sleep, and since a lot of people look up to me, I owe it to them too to feel as good as I can.
Remember, your thoughts and vibration is how your manifest things in your reality. So to have positive thoughts, you must have a positive and healthy frame of mind, thus the importance of sleep cannot be expressed enough in this brief article.
Law of Attraction is like the Law or Gravity, I am amazed to see people who still act like the Law of Attraction is an option that they can choose to follow or not. You can deliberately use it to create the life of your dreams (like all successful people did and do) or you can be the average human being who never truly reaches his or her true potential and remains dependent upon random people and events.
"I used to have a life, now I have a cellphone." -Ankush Modawal
My biggest challenge to overcome crazy sleep patterns was my cell phone. I can log off my Facebook, Twitter and email accounts but I carry my cell phone with me. On any given day, I receive about 100 messages and 20 calls that I try to reply to. I have a habit of replying to people's calls and messages ASAP, but sometimes, I just switch the fucker off. I realized that no amount of super human effort I could make to stay in touch with everyone personally every day, it was hurting my health. I was hours on the phone just to 'catch up' with everyone until the day I decided to catch up on my sleep.
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It's time for you to dream sweet dreams |
And come to think of it that all this shit can be avoided by just getting enough and regular sleep! Try it, for one week, set a time limit for yourself, say 9 PM or 10 PM. No matter what happens, shut down your laptop, switch off your cell phone, fellas tell your girl that she can talk about the shit that happened to someone else, ladies tell your guy to have sex with you early, tell your boss that you can't do overtime for a week, or whatever that's standing in your way to a nice, restful and regular sleep. Like Nike says, just do it and you will love me for it.
P.S: I woke up whole night to write this article.
P.P.S: I know you love me.
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