Have you known people with whom you feel absolutely awesome no matter how down you had been feeling before being in their presence? Do you know a person you are always attracted to for some unknown reason that you can't put in words? What's their secret that you can't stop thinking about them?
The one thing I have always done right with the people in my life is that I have always given them the benefit of the doubt. I have always seen everyone around me and have expressed more faith in them than they had in themselves.
I was asked recently about how someone can become an energy worker and how to read the signs that the Universe gives us in everyday life.
“How do I become an energy worker? How do I learn more about these things and become like you?”
I replied, “You don’t choose this work, it chooses you.”
“Over the past few years I have delved down into the study of consciousness and how this Universe works, I have come to the conclusion that we live in a world which is run by a very intelligent and loving presence. Some might call it God, Allah, Jesus, but as Shakespeare said, what’s in a name?” –Ankush Modawal ;D
But on a more serious note, it really doesn’t matter what you call this intelligent and compassionate power. Just know that it is there. More importantly, we are all a part of this power.
In these times where there are so many negative things happening all around us, people have lost faith in life and thus have forgotten as to how to stay connected to their power.
There are countless people who are starving for a better life than they are living. They need love, care, affection, attention, encouragement and all the other things that holds our very soul together.
I am truly grateful to have friends all over the world. They are people who appreciate my presence, whether I am physically present with them or not. In fact, I have realized that since every day, as the number of people who I help out with my writings increases, I am able to devote lesser time to each and every one of them individually.
“Every great friend that you have right now was once a stranger to you.” –Ankush Modawal
I feel a bit guilty but I am also aware of the purpose of my life and what I want to see manifested in my world.
It was not always like this. I started with absolutely nothing and I had a very limited friends circle. But I have been able to attract and keep awesome people in my life just because of this one single reason.
So I am going to let you in on a secret as to how you can become irresistibly attractive to others. And like most of the secrets of life, this one too is very simple.
See everyone that you meet as they would want to become and with more good things than they have.
That’s it. Like all of life’s secrets, this one too is simple, but not easy.
If you see someone who is sad, imagine how they would be like when they are really happy. If you see someone who is having financial difficulties, imagine them as prosperous. If you see someone who is having a hard time, imagine how they would be in the good times.
If you start doing this, you will be amazed with the results you will experience. People will become comfortable around you. They will feel good in your presence and they will intuitively know that you are their well wisher.
There are 2 downsides to this however:
1. Everyone you see positively will start loving you more and would want you to hang out with them more often. You might not be able to give them each time individually as they would always want to be around you, so you might feel guilty.
2. The people, who you consider as friends, if they are really not that, will just disappear from your life. They will not be a vibrational match to you anymore and they will not be able to live their rackets with you unless they tell you the truth or become highly agitated in your presence.
In closing, I would like to say that there is a difference between nice people and even nicer people. Nice people see you as nice if you are nice to them. The even nicer people know that you can be much better even when you are not. So I hope you remember my words.
"All your friends might not even be your well wishers and all your well wishers might not even be your friends." -Ankush Modawal
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