Friday, February 10, 2012

How to Read the Signs from the Universe

We all do everything to avoid pain and attain pleasure. Whether we want to have an awesome and accepting partner in a relationship, more money or a healthy, strong and sexy body.

But very few are willing to give their time, money (especially money) or energy in exchange for what they want and more importantly, give up on certain relationships, jobs or businesses or our very own self destructive habits.

“It’s never a question of what you are getting back, but it is imperative that you realize what you are giving out.” –Ankush Modawal

In the August of 2008, my life was down in the dumps. I was absolutely broke. I used to wake up feeling lousy and didn’t have the energy to face the day. My relationship with the girl I loved more than myself was totally fucked up because I had recently found out that she was cheating on me.

I wanted to end this abusive relationship but was too scared to let go. Even though I wanted more money, I didn’t do shit about it. Even though I wanted to feel more healthy and vibrant, I drank like a pirate and smoked like a chimney.

I used to blame each and every person I met. Life had been really cruel and all the bad luck in the world was following me like my own shadow!

Then, something changed.

For those who don’t know the story of my life and haven’t read the autobiography of my life so far (Blue Book) in which I have revealed a lot of my secrets and things I was too ashamed to even talk about, I will tell you about the day my life changed.

On 11th August 2008, my sister and her husband dragged me along with them to a new mall and because my sister at that was pregnant with my now very naughty nephew, I somehow lugged my cadaver to the mall because I knew that my presence would make my sister happy.

I was bored there and angry because everyone around me was happy, and I wasn't!

So, I decided to pass my time in a bookstore. I came across a book which for some reason I found interesting but I kept it back on the shelf. Then for some reason, I picked it up again. Then kept it back only to pick it up again. 

I flipped through it and wanted to buy it but I thought to myself, it’s too expensive and I will buy it later when I have more money. I started to walk away and exited out of the book store.

“If you are too cheap to invest in yourself, you are already paying a really great price that you can’t afford to pay.” Ankush Modawal

Then something very freaky happened which had never happened before. A voice inside of me screamed these exact words, “Buy the book Ankush.”

I rushed back inside the book store, somehow I felt elated to see that nobody had took away or bought the book I had barely left behind 10 seconds back. I picked it up (my precious), rushed to the payment counter, emptied out my wallet and somehow, I felt proud of myself because after a very long time, I had chosen a different choice and had behaved differently than how I usually had been behaving all my life.

That book changed my entire life and till this day, I get goose bumps thinking about if I had not listened to my inner voice that day, I would still be just a useless slob instead of being an author of 5 books and all that I am today.

When I thought about it, over the period of time, I have realized that every time shit went down or people were horrible to me, or that someone swindled me, I WAS ALWAYS THERE! The common denominator in the string of ill fated events was always me!

From being nothing to everything I ever dreamed of. That journey has taught me that so many times, I had already passed up on opportunities, books, seminars, people, places and so many more things that would lead me to my dream life.

“I was, I am and always will be the biggest cause of failure and success in my life.” –AnkushModawal

From being envious of all the people who were really living a great life to becoming one who does now, I remember and laugh at myself that while I was envious of those who pampered and treated themselves to the best life had to offer, I once had to think twice about buying a 295/- rupee book.

Of course, now I realize that all of that was my own self sabotaging behavior and I always put the blame on others. But the only thing I didn’t do was to read, listen or see what the Universe was telling me through my feelings.

Sure, we all want to take out life to the next level and want to bring positive changes to it, but that will only happen when you take the next step. The question I have for you is, when will you take it? Sometimes, the answer can be staring us right back at our faces, you just have to see that it is.

Share this with your friends and loved ones if you liked what I shared with you.

“You are the centre of your own Universe.” –Ankush Modawal

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