Monday, May 21, 2012

Spiritual Lessons from an Ant

While having my tea today, I noticed a small ant on the floor walking briskly and purposefully towards the living room of my home. I don't know why, but a feeling of curiosity got the best of me and I decided to follow my new friend to see where it was headed.

My little friend took about a minute to complete it's journey and I walked about 15 feet to follow him. To my amazement, he had found himself a treasure! A sugar crystal that must have accidentally fallen on the floor yesterday when I was having tea in my living room. Now, the small piece of sugar crystal that once belonged in my tea belonged to this ant.

It is a known fact that an ant can carry up to 50 times it's own weight. I watched in amazement as my little friend lifted the sugar crystal that was much bigger than him and although he could not walk briskly anymore, he walked with even more purpose than ever before. I stalked him for a while but then I just let him go to wherever he belonged.

While watching my friend as he scurried off to wherever he came from, I realized that this truly is a Universe of abundance and that God looks out for each and everyone of it's children, no matter how big or small we are. If I can 'accidentally' drop a sugar crystal a day before and this ant can find it a day later, then I am inclined to believe that whatever we do or that happens to us is a part of a much bigger and better plan.

"We have no idea how many lives will be affected by the consequences of our words or actions." -Ankush Modawal 

I waved goodbye to my little friend but he did not wave back, I think it was because his mouth and hands were full.

For more on manifesting your dreams into your reality, order and read my books, have them delivered to your home. 

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why some people come and leave your life

I was the unluckiest guy I knew. Things never worked out for me. I used to struggle and tried to keep up with the shit that I kept attracting every single day of my life. 

One day, I got so sick and tired of living such a crappy life that in complete desperation, I said to God, “I don’t know what fucking lesson you are trying to teach me but I give up!”

"You are bound to stand out when you spread your light."-Ankush Modawal
A miracle happened right after I uttered those words. I felt a calm, soothing and tingling sensation wash over me. I felt happy, the pain in my body just vanished and everything appeared more beautiful.

Once, I gave up my love for struggle and stopped expecting shit to happen to me, truly amazing ‘coincidences’ happened that just delivered things that I wanted, right into my lap.

Let me tell you one thing, when I began to change and live a more positive lifestyle, I pissed a lot of people off.

Especially my ‘friends.’

“I thought you were one of us,” they said.
“I am,” I told them.

I didn’t know at that time that I wasn’t. I had changed.

Needless to say, the harder I tried to accommodate and keep my friendship alive with some childhood buddies of mine, the more problems I manifested in my life.

“All my friends told me, I had changed and that’s why they had a problem with me while my problem was that they hadn’t.” –Ankush Modawal

My relationship at the time with the love of my life was completely down the drain. I needed emotional support but I got none.

Emotional support not in the form of positivity, I was already pretty positive but I wanted them to give up their negativity.  

It was like mixing oil with water.

They were so enveloped in their negative and childish beliefs about the world that despite my best efforts, I could not ‘rescue’ them. It was as if they were stuck in quicksand and the more I tried to pull them out of it, the more I sunk as well!

It was as if they didn’t want to adopt a better lifestyle and wanted to remain in their victim ‘poor me’ mentality. I in turn began to hold a grander vision for my life. I tried to teach them how to manifest better things for themselves, but I ‘failed.’

For a long time, I felt bad and guilty of not being to help them. Until I realized that they didn’t want to be helped.

Let me tell you one thing, it might even seem cruel.

“The biggest mistake we can ever make in our lives is to try to teach someone something for which they are not ready for. It’s like talking to a stone and expecting it to hug you after you've poured your heart out. You’ll just get frustrated, drained and all the ‘failed’ efforts on your part will eventually make you doubt your own abilities.” –Ankush Modawal

Don’t try to ‘fix’ someone. Anyone.

I know I used to, I still get the temptation to do that, especially when I see people who I am close to commit certain mistakes which I know will eventually harm them. I know it hurts like Hell to see someone you care about cry.

But unless they listen, I would say grab a tub of popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show, while they crash and burn. Or if you are feeling particularly ‘noble,’ you too can choose to crash and burn with them, but that’s just plain stupidity.

It’s like someone close to you has a life threatening disease so you say, “Hey, my loved one has Cancer so I should have that too!” or something as crazy as, “My friend jumped from a 50 storey building and since we are best buddies, I will do it too.”

I know you must be laughing your ass off right now thinking how funny this is, but I think at some point in our life, we all do this kind of shit to ourselves. Hell, at least, I did!

“You can never help anyone by being helpless yourself.” –Ankush Modawal

Ambition is scary to your ‘loved ones’ because a majority of people have major insecurities. It is just and always up to you to decide how much emotional abuse you can take. How many challenges you want to overcome with the same people? How many times you want to forgive the same person? What about your feelings?

“Don’t try to fix someone’s life to the extent that it fucks up yours.” –Ankush Modawal

Change happens on a cellular level.  When you change, your world changes, but it is folly to expect that everyone changes as well along with you, that too immediately.

“When you take flight, don’t be surprised if you find yourself soaring alone for a while, but you can be sure that you will meet a few who dared to leave the comfort of the ground as well.” –Ankush Modawal

Your world becomes different, obviously it will because when you change the vibration you put out, it will attract completely different things from the Universe.

Don’t expect to keep the same attitudes, people and perceptions in your life because they will only bring what they have always brought you.

I used to have an issue with this fact but now, I have made peace with this demon of mine. Take 100% responsibility of your life. Only the people who hold the same type of thinking as yours can be present in it. Don’t try to drag them along with you because they will gladly come on their own if they want to.

If you are a positive person and you have a negative partner, friend or someone who you are close to, hanging on to them is like throwing yourself in a put full of hungry crocodiles. I know and completely agree that it hurts first, but it's better than to be hurt every day.

I bet you wouldn't want to jump here, right?

“True enlightenment is when what used to make you cry once, now when you think about it, makes you laugh at your own stupidity.” –Ankush Modawal

I have met some great people in my life. I am grateful for the part they have played. I am even aware of the possibility that those who exist today in my life, might not in the near future.

"Surrender and be willing to be carried by the strong winds of change. The higher you go, the smaller you seem to those on the ground and the pettier they seem to you, until a point where you won’t be able to see or comprehend each other.” -Ankush Modawal

“Every great friend you have right now was once just a stranger to you.” -Ankush Modawal

P.S: The person who you thought about the most while reading this is the one who you need to make peace with or detach from.

P.P.S: Also, who is the one person who always saw the best in you and believed in you without a doubt? Contact and thank them for being there.

P.P.P.S: Love and respect is the key.

P.P.P.P.S: If this little article was of any help, share this with your friends and loved ones.

For more on manifesting your dreams into your reality, order and read my books, have them delivered to your home. 

For the latest, connect with me personally Facebook - > (3) Ankush Modawal | Facebook

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Friday, February 10, 2012

How to Read the Signs from the Universe

We all do everything to avoid pain and attain pleasure. Whether we want to have an awesome and accepting partner in a relationship, more money or a healthy, strong and sexy body.

But very few are willing to give their time, money (especially money) or energy in exchange for what they want and more importantly, give up on certain relationships, jobs or businesses or our very own self destructive habits.

“It’s never a question of what you are getting back, but it is imperative that you realize what you are giving out.” –Ankush Modawal

In the August of 2008, my life was down in the dumps. I was absolutely broke. I used to wake up feeling lousy and didn’t have the energy to face the day. My relationship with the girl I loved more than myself was totally fucked up because I had recently found out that she was cheating on me.

I wanted to end this abusive relationship but was too scared to let go. Even though I wanted more money, I didn’t do shit about it. Even though I wanted to feel more healthy and vibrant, I drank like a pirate and smoked like a chimney.

I used to blame each and every person I met. Life had been really cruel and all the bad luck in the world was following me like my own shadow!

Then, something changed.

For those who don’t know the story of my life and haven’t read the autobiography of my life so far (Blue Book) in which I have revealed a lot of my secrets and things I was too ashamed to even talk about, I will tell you about the day my life changed.

On 11th August 2008, my sister and her husband dragged me along with them to a new mall and because my sister at that was pregnant with my now very naughty nephew, I somehow lugged my cadaver to the mall because I knew that my presence would make my sister happy.

I was bored there and angry because everyone around me was happy, and I wasn't!

So, I decided to pass my time in a bookstore. I came across a book which for some reason I found interesting but I kept it back on the shelf. Then for some reason, I picked it up again. Then kept it back only to pick it up again. 

I flipped through it and wanted to buy it but I thought to myself, it’s too expensive and I will buy it later when I have more money. I started to walk away and exited out of the book store.

“If you are too cheap to invest in yourself, you are already paying a really great price that you can’t afford to pay.” Ankush Modawal

Then something very freaky happened which had never happened before. A voice inside of me screamed these exact words, “Buy the book Ankush.”

I rushed back inside the book store, somehow I felt elated to see that nobody had took away or bought the book I had barely left behind 10 seconds back. I picked it up (my precious), rushed to the payment counter, emptied out my wallet and somehow, I felt proud of myself because after a very long time, I had chosen a different choice and had behaved differently than how I usually had been behaving all my life.

That book changed my entire life and till this day, I get goose bumps thinking about if I had not listened to my inner voice that day, I would still be just a useless slob instead of being an author of 5 books and all that I am today.

When I thought about it, over the period of time, I have realized that every time shit went down or people were horrible to me, or that someone swindled me, I WAS ALWAYS THERE! The common denominator in the string of ill fated events was always me!

From being nothing to everything I ever dreamed of. That journey has taught me that so many times, I had already passed up on opportunities, books, seminars, people, places and so many more things that would lead me to my dream life.

“I was, I am and always will be the biggest cause of failure and success in my life.” –AnkushModawal

From being envious of all the people who were really living a great life to becoming one who does now, I remember and laugh at myself that while I was envious of those who pampered and treated themselves to the best life had to offer, I once had to think twice about buying a 295/- rupee book.

Of course, now I realize that all of that was my own self sabotaging behavior and I always put the blame on others. But the only thing I didn’t do was to read, listen or see what the Universe was telling me through my feelings.

Sure, we all want to take out life to the next level and want to bring positive changes to it, but that will only happen when you take the next step. The question I have for you is, when will you take it? Sometimes, the answer can be staring us right back at our faces, you just have to see that it is.

Share this with your friends and loved ones if you liked what I shared with you.

“You are the centre of your own Universe.” –Ankush Modawal

For more on manifesting your dreams into your reality, order and read my books, have them delivered to your home. 

For the latest, connect with me personally Facebook - > (3) Ankush Modawal | Facebook

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Feng Shui for Love and Relationships

"You don't find a soul mate until you become one yourself." -Ankush Modawal

So, it’s that time of the year again when the love bug seems to have given hickeys to everyone!

If you find yourself alone and want a really kickass partner in crime, you are not the only one.

Valentine’s day seems to put pressure on single and committed people alike to perform and really go out on that date for a ‘date.’

“Every great friend you have right now was once just a stranger to you.” –Ankush Modawal

But whether you are looking for a serious relationship, or to just have fun or just go out and make new friends, or even just want to remain single and enjoy your freedom, Feng Shui is really going to help.

1) Be honest with yourself: 

We all are at different places in our lives. Some are ready to take the responsibility of a full blown relationship while some might not be. Be honest with yourself and ask, what do you really want for yourself in this phase of your life? The answer might shock you because if you are like most people who makes his/her decisions under peer pressure, you would be amazed at what you really want versus what you think you want.

2) Fling, burn or give: 

If this is not your first time in a relationship, you might have baggage and ‘stuff’ left from a previous relationship. I can’t tell you how important it is for you to get rid of things that you might have accumulated from your past. Let them go, fling them out of your window, incinerate them or just donate them. Make room for what you want.

3) The morning after: 

This exercise can be done while lying down in your bed or in the morning when you just wake up. Imagine that your perfect partner/date is sleeping right next to you. What kind of a feeling would you that make you feel? Don’t focus or think that you can have it or not, don’t let doubt creep up on you and just really FEEL what you would like to feel if he/she was lying next to you. How would they smell, how fuzzy, secure or turned on will you feel? Paint all the details in your mind and use all your senses.

4) Your love corner: 

The South West corner of your home is the part that determines your relationships. Make sure you find out using a compass which direction this is and keep this area as clean and well lit as possible. If you have a bathroom or this area is missing from your floor map, it’s a good idea to consult a Feng Shui Practitioner about it.

5) Prepare for it: 

Whatever relationship you want with your partner, prepare for it accordingly. Design everything till the very last detail as to the kind of life/time you want with them. Remember, you are causing the Universe to work for you when you make room for what you want to manifest in your life.

6) Be open to change: 

Don't be like others who forget the last and the most important step. Let this be a final reminder to you. Become the type of person yourself who your partner would want to be with.  What have you been putting off or procrastinating for so long?

"Nothing changes until you do." -Ankush Modawal

P.S: You might have noticed that I just included the basic points and didn’t go into detail with Feng Shui. That’s because little knowledge is dangerous and when working with the 5 elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal) of Feng Shui, it’s best to consult a Feng Shui Practitioner and get him to visit your home. There are a lot of variable like shapes, colors, floor plans etc. that need to be consulted before giving solid advice to anyone.

P.P.S: If you liked the short blog entry above, make sure you read the Black Book One and Black Book II for a detailed description on energy work. Remember, energy is everything. It's just a matter of what you are tuning into.

For more on manifesting your dreams into your reality, order and read my books, have them delivered to your home. 

For the latest, connect with me personally Facebook - > (3) Ankush Modawal | Facebook

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Number 1 Top secret of the Rich and Wealthy

“Knowledge is power but unless you put it into action, it’s as useful as yesterday’s headline.” –Ankush Modawal

My interest in Feng Shui started when I became obsessed with the idea of living my dream life. Like most of us, I was erroneously lead to to believe earlier by other people that it was all decided by fate and people who are unlucky are doomed forever. 

But that idea never felt good and I was sure that something was missing.

I was introduced to the Law of Attraction concept ‘accidentally’ and I was so excited about the idea that I made it my life’s obsession to become a serious student of how life works.

I decided to try out and put the Law of Attraction to use, to ‘test’ whether it works or not. I had a dream of writing my own book since the time I was around 15 years old. I decided to write a book using the Law of Attraction based ON the Law of Attraction!

To my own surprise, it worked so fast that I completed writing my 1st 120 page book in just 3 days!

In 2008, I wrote my first book and named it Black Book One. Contrary to the popular belief, that black is an ominous color, black is a color that symbolizes wealth. Wealth not only includes just money, but good luck, prosperous energy and peace of mind.

Needless to say, if you say you are wealthy, it means that you are living the best life you can at the moment. You wake up feeling excited about the day, what you will do and how you will feel.

Feng Shui is the practical application of the Law of Attraction. I have achieved mind blowing results from it and just for fun, a few years back, I started my own full time Feng Shui consulting business so that I could help as many people I could in life.

I've done Feng Shui for around roughly 200 homes/shops/offices for helping people manifest their life partners, marriages, increasing cash flow, clearing health issues, to finding careers that best suited their personality, etc.

What a Feng Shui Practitioner basically does is that he/she goes to the place where you live/work and thoroughly checks for any energy misalignments. Although there are thousands of cures to fix almost any kind of problem, there is one common problem that anyone can fix on their own.

“Your mind affects you surroundings and your surroundings affect your mind.” –Ankush Modawal

The homes/offices that I visited that weren’t doing so well invariably had one common problem; clutter.

Too much stuff!

Look around you and if you have too much stuff lying around, it’s time to let go of the old energy and let the new business, people and opportunities come in!

Put things in order, update, clean, dust, wipe, throw, sell or donate. I don’t care, just do it! You will be surprised how simple this is and yet, all the wealthy people of this world follow this religiously!

Also, if you found this little article fun, do order and read the Black Books and Gold Book, if you want to know more about energy work for wealth and success. You will absolutely love my books!

P.S: This blog entry is short and sweet because I don’t want you wasting time on over-thinking things. See the quote I started this blog entry with.

P.P.S: So switch off your P.C/laptop/phone/tablet and get cleaning.

P.P.P.S: Move your ass, NOW!

P.P.P.P.S: Don’t make me come there and make me make you do it!

P.P.P.P.P.S: I am sorry but I gotta show some tough love sometimes. I love you. Now move it!

6 x P.S: OMG! My mom was cleaning a cupboard and just found 2 500 Rupee notes. I know a 1000 bucks isn't much money to get excited about, but the feeling of finding money in your jeans, jacket or somewhere unexpected is just awesome! Thank you Universe.

For more on manifesting your dreams into your reality, order and read my books, have them delivered to your home. 

For the latest, connect with me personally Facebook - > (3) Ankush Modawal | Facebook

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