Saturday, September 24, 2011

(18+) This is some serious shit!

“Knowledge is a kind of power that increases when it is shared and gets diminished when hoarded.” –Ankush Modawal

Alright, I must confess that I have never written a blog twice a month ever since I started writing in my life!

But I am shocked and angry as a hungry T-Rex right now! 2665 people in my group and not a single soul bothered to act on what I said? This is the first time I am voicing out my negativity publically; this just goes to show the seriousness of the situation I feel within.

Every day, I get hundred of emails from people asking me to pray for them, for thanking me for daily doses of inspiration, telling me how wonderful their lives have become after reading my books and some other weird stuff also!

But what good is all this shit if you don’t share your good with someone?

If you don’t know what I so am pissed about, here’s a picture. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Just imagine if I stop writing or sharing whatever I write with my readers? I have no idea how much of my writings have affected your life. I might not even know who you are personally, but I would like to believe that we are all interconnected with one another.

That’s why every single day for almost 2 years, I write and update my facebook profile, Like page and Group with some quote that would act as some sort of an inspiration for those who read it. For 2 years, people haven’t stopped telling me how much they love me, how much they admire or how much they enjoy reading what I write.

I just do it for the fun of it and to help make this world a better place because I think that this whole fuckin’ planet that we live on is my home and every person is my family!

I could also live with an idea that most people live with and that is that most people are out to get me and that this world is a horrible place. If I did live with that idea, I wouldn’t do a single shit and absolutely not disclose the secrets of success! Absolutely not for free and that too typed out neatly as quotes! But what good am I or my writings if they are just hoarded or not shared?

I mean, just imagine, I have a choice to absolutely not share whatever I know and just use it to my advantage. If I would stop giving a fuck about making this world a better place and not distributing free content all over the fuckin’ internet?

I didn’t do that.

That’s where the problem lies in the thinking of most people.

They just want something while giving nothing for it. People have just forgotten how it was to be down and out. Well, I haven't and that's why, I did not stop writing consistently for you. I still haven't but seriously, right at this moment, I feel cheated by all the people I have helped who did not do a single thing to help their fellow friends in whatever way I wished they would.

There is a method to my madness and while I don’t doubt my talent or abilities. If you are seriously serious about making this world a better place, grow a spine and start doing good wherever you see the opportunity to do so.

If you can bloody sit online for hours, chat away mindlessly bitching about life to your friend so I presume that you can take a moment and share whatever shit I write everyday for you with a loved one or two.

“I do my part. I share whatever I know about success and take this job of writing something every day for you people very seriously. I would like to think of it as the morning newspaper, the day it doesn’t come, you miss it.” –Ankush Modawal

I don’t wish to keep on writing for the same bunch of people in our group, this is your group as much as it is mine. Just like you take every opportunity to improve your life, I would appreciate it if you would take as much opportunity to improve the lives of others around you, or at least try honestly.

If we don’t, what good are we and what kind of a fucked up world would we be a part of?

I feel a lot of anger right now because if you people are serious about everything being one energy field and the idea of being ONE, then how can you not act on these kinds of situations?

Moreover, I just wish you realized that when you help someone, you only end up helping yourself.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank Shannon who I think is an angel is disguise for finding me at the right moment right at the moment I was blowing off my mental lid. She was the first and only person to do something about what was mentioned in my group post. I didn’t know her until this morning but it just goes to show the power of the Universe.

“Great people DO exist in this world, but you only find them when you yourself become one.” –Ankush Modawal

This blog entry is a lot less meaner and simmered down as compared to as it would’ve been if it wasn’t for her.

If throughout this catharsis and ramblings, I made any sense to you, please do the needful as it was mentioned in the facebook group post.

Here is the link to it,

If not, then seriously, I have no others words.

P.S: I really appreciate the people that have supported me and I love you all unconditionally.
P.P.S: This blog entry is for those ‘victims’ and ‘energy vampires’ who are selfish, uncaring and thoughtless of others.   
P.P.P.S: Damn, I feel so peaceful now!

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Understanding men and why they become heartless assholes!

"Men bond by abusing each other and don't mean it, women bond by complimenting each other and don't mean it either." -Anon

Men are simple creatures but they can hide their emotions very well because they have always been expected to. If a girl is sad, there will be 10 other guys asking her why she feels that way, mostly because those 10 just want to get in her pants. Only some guys might be genuine in making sure that you are taken care of. But no one even asks a guy how he feels.

I look at my parents who have been happily married for about 40 years and I really appreciate what they have. Sure they fight, sure they do the normal things that couples do and sure they have had more than their fair share of bad times, but they have been honest and compassionate to each other. They were each other’s first and only love.

I really wish to have that. To grow up with someone and whether near or far, just know that you have them and that they have you. What has gone wrong with this generation? It’s making more mistakes and teenagers are living such complicated lives that it seems like a cheap adaptation of some TV sitcom!

Ask a guy what he wants and he will tell you straight on your face. When a guy loves a girl, he gives her more than his heart. He gives her a part of his life that he will never get back, neither does he want to have it back because it belongs to you now. He will be more than happy to hang out with his buddies, eat, sleep, watch a movie or do some reading. A guy is happy being alone.

In fact, he is more than happy being alone and he can handle his emotions well because when he is alone, he does all his thinking himself. But when he is with you, how your day went becomes how his day went. Everything starts from you and ends with you.

Females have this incessant need of always being with someone who can make them feel special. Sometimes they forget that their guy too has loads of things happening in his life and when he has, he just needs to be left alone. Remember, how you think, feel and what manifests is always a match.

There is just too much emotion being flung around carelessly by females that it gets to me sometimes. And when girls throw their emotions carelessly, it manifests as complete crap. A guy just takes it head on. Sure he might become reserved, angry or distant but you will rarely find a guy who bitches for long.

“Just like a wounded lizard crawls into some quiet corner of the room to grow its tail, a guy too needs that space kind of space and desires to be left alone to rejuvenate himself and activate the self healing mechanism.” –Ankush Modawal ;D

Don’t call him or disturb him when he is doing that. He will become very pissed off. Also, another act of self blunder is thinking that he doesn’t care about you. Oh, trust me, he cares. But if you are stupid enough to not know that or his value, he will gladly let you go. He cares, but at the same time, he also expects you to be smart enough to make wise decisions. One of those wise decisions is not to over think or overcomplicate a situation. Guys, expect you to stick to one thing and make up your frickin’ mind! Seriously, cut him some slack.

“You might be surprised to know that some guys have a heart that’s softer than yours.” –Ankush Modawal

Each guy I know who is worth knowing has had his heart ripped out and thrown in the dustbin. No one cares about a guy, why should they? He’s a guy! He should be man enough to handle themselves and others right? Honestly, I just see compassion for men being raped in the name of PMS or mood swings.

No one listens to a guy. No one sees his tears that he has kept in his eyes for so long that he himself has forgotten that he had ever kept them there. Really girls, ask yourself what you are without the man you love in your life?

Breakups happening every day, divorce rates are going high, fights, sleepless nights, passionless sex, stress! In the midst of your emotions, have you ever asked yourself how a man feels? If you ever just for one second leave your overburdening dictionary of emotions and ask your guy how he really feels, you will hear a very few meaningful words. You will uncover a nail in the heart that every man lives with. Listen, don’t just hear.

If you have been cheated on or used by a guy, you must know that he was not always like this. The number one reason why men become players is because they are just too frustrated being treated like shit.

A girl sleeps with a bad boy, has one night stands, feels bad about it, bitches about him to her friends and does every spineless thing to cover her tracks and claim it as an accident.

A nice guy who loves a girl is taken for granted. Is manipulated, deceived and keeps on waiting for her just to have his heart broken? Which option do you think makes more business sense to a guy then? Being a nice guy or a bad boy? Being someone who truly loves and have his heart ripped out or be a player who just sees girls as objects who are only good enough to have sex with?

It is seriously disheartening as to whatever is going on with the girls of the world today. Girls, just know one thing, when it is a man’s fault, he will accept it without hesitating. His world starts and ends with you. He does not become unexpressive just because he doesn’t tell you that he loves you 10 times a day. He can feel restless and what you think of as boring is actually happiness for him.

“The reason he sometimes doesn’t tell you how much you mean is because words can be faked and he expects you to know that feelings cannot be.” –Ankush Modawal

You might even judge me for writing this blog coz somehow over the time I have been labeled as a spiritual author.

Let me tell you one thing about spiritual people, they are normal human beings too! I have bad days, I shout swear words, I become a beast sometimes when I drive, I do live fucked up sleep patterns from time to time. I listen to rap. I have done almost every bad thing a guy can do and when I am angry, seriously, I am more dangerous than a starving T-Rex then! Hell yes I am a bad boy but I never lost sight of who I was. As for one advice for girls, don’t think that your guy doesn’t feel things.

“It’s the calmest waters that run the deepest.” –Ankush Modawal

If you treat him like a king, if you love, respect and listen to what he tells you to do honestly and without the ulterior motive of getting love back from him, you will live a life that will feel as if it’s straight out of a Disney movie instead of a drama sitcom series.

“There is only one answer to every question, love.” –Ankush Modawal

Learn from the wisdom of ages and take advice from people who actually are living the kind of life you want to live. Don’t get it twisted.

P.S: Don’t blame PMS, learn to fuckin’ take care of your emotions yourself! Understand your man and love him.

P.P.S: Men, don’t take this blog as an excuse to become an asshole, I will personally come and bitch slap you otherwise. Love your girl and don’t try to understand her coz who she is depends upon her moods and thoughts which at times can be as stable as a dried leaf in a storm!

P.P.P.S: Exceptions always exist for both men and women as to how they are.

For more on manifesting your dreams into your reality, order and read my books, have them delivered to your home. 

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Becoming Irresistibly Attractive

Have you known people with whom you feel absolutely awesome no matter how down you had been feeling before being in their presence? Do you know a person you are always attracted to for some unknown reason that you can't put in words? What's their secret that you can't stop thinking about them?

The one thing I have always done right with the people in my life is that I have always given them the benefit of the doubt. I have always seen everyone around me and have expressed more faith in them than they had in themselves.

I was asked recently about how someone can become an energy worker and how to read the signs that the Universe gives us in everyday life.

“How do I become an energy worker? How do I learn more about these things and become like you?”

I replied, “You don’t choose this work, it chooses you.”

“Over the past few years I have delved down into the study of consciousness and how this Universe works, I have come to the conclusion that we live in a world which is run by a very intelligent and loving presence. Some might call it God, Allah, Jesus, but as Shakespeare said, what’s in a name?” –Ankush Modawal ;D

But on a more serious note, it really doesn’t matter what you call this intelligent and compassionate power. Just know that it is there. More importantly, we are all a part of this power.

In these times where there are so many negative things happening all around us, people have lost faith in life and thus have forgotten as to how to stay connected to their power.

There are countless people who are starving for a better life than they are living. They need love, care, affection, attention, encouragement and all the other things that holds our very soul together.

I am truly grateful to have friends all over the world. They are people who appreciate my presence, whether I am physically present with them or not. In fact, I have realized that since every day, as the number of people who I help out with my writings increases, I am able to devote lesser time to each and every one of them individually.

“Every great friend that you have right now was once a stranger to you.” –Ankush Modawal

I feel a bit guilty but I am also aware of the purpose of my life and what I want to see manifested in my world.

It was not always like this. I started with absolutely nothing and I had a very limited friends circle. But I have been able to attract and keep awesome people in my life just because of this one single reason.

So I am going to let you in on a secret as to how you can become irresistibly attractive to others. And like most of the secrets of life, this one too is very simple.

See everyone that you meet as they would want to become and with more good things than they have.

That’s it. Like all of life’s secrets, this one too is simple, but not easy.

If you see someone who is sad, imagine how they would be like when they are really happy. If you see someone who is having financial difficulties, imagine them as prosperous. If you see someone who is having a hard time, imagine how they would be in the good times.

If you start doing this, you will be amazed with the results you will experience. People will become comfortable around you. They will feel good in your presence and they will intuitively know that you are their well wisher.

There are 2 downsides to this however:

1. Everyone you see positively will start loving you more and would want you to hang out with them more often. You might not be able to give them each time individually as they would always want to be around you, so you might feel guilty.

2. The people, who you consider as friends, if they are really not that, will just disappear from your life. They will not be a vibrational match to you anymore and they will not be able to live their rackets with you unless they tell you the truth or become highly agitated in your presence.

In closing, I would like to say that there is a difference between nice people and even nicer people. Nice people see you as nice if you are nice to them. The even nicer people know that you can be much better even when you are not. So I hope you remember my words.

"All your friends might not even be your well wishers and all your well wishers might not even be your friends." -Ankush Modawal

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Fighting Negativity

“Fighting negativity with hate is like trying to put out a fire with petrol.” –Ankush Modawal

Alright, so it’s true. We have more information bombarding our brains, more decisions to be made in even lesser time and more people are after you for something or the other than ever before. The things in the to-do list just keep piling up.

The normal ways of life just produce stress and at the end of the day, you find yourself saying, “I just hate everything.”

Everyone has had those kinds of days.

The Universe works in mysterious ways, but only until you don’t understand how it works. If you have read my Black Books, you would know what I mean here.

Recently, I had that kind of a day in which everything seemed haywire. Everything I did was just not working out. I was stressed and suddenly realized how much work I had actually accomplished and more importantly, how much more there was to be done. It was not a nice feeling to have.

I had so much work to do that day, how would I ever do it? Then I caught myself worrying from my ego state. I said to myself, I know better than this.

“You fight negativity by not fighting it.” –Ankush Modawal

The next thing I did would come as a shock to you. Even though I had so much work to do on that day, I just went to my bedroom and slept for a good portion of the day.

When I woke up, I felt better and rejuvenated. Also, to my own surprise, when I started going through the work I had to do, I found out that the issues I had to solve were already attended to. The work I had to do, somebody else had already done it for me. Whatever little work I had left, I was now more than eager to finish it and found a renewed energy to do that within me.

Everything changes when you shift your state. Everything!

Let’s face it; we are not smarter than God. When you stop struggling, working hard or trying to control everything, the Universe rearranges everything for your highest good. Just like if you get a cut on your skin, it heals itself.

When you are happy, you are attracting everything that you want in your life to come to you. Happiness is the signal your soul gives you as a confirmation that the Universe is conspiring to deliver to you whatever you want.

But when you are flustered, cranky, frustrated, the only energy you can attract from people, circumstances and life in general is that of what you feel.

If you are happy, you will repel sad, angry, frustrated people. They would just hate being with you because they will actually feel the need to stay as far away from you.

Think about it, if you are sad, angry or frustrated, or just generally in a negative mood, the only people, circumstances and situations in life you are going to come across are sad, angry or frustrated ones.

Life mirrors your feelings. So, ask yourself, what is the best thought you can think right now to feel better? What are the good qualities in people around you? What do you have in life that you are grateful for?

Remember, health, money, relationships, peace, success, are all vibrations. They are all states of being. It does not matter what the world is doing. What matters is what you are doing within the world of your mind.

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Friday, June 3, 2011

Leave Him Alone - What every woman should know about her guy

“You care for a guy by not caring for him!” –Ankush Modawal

If you are a girl and have a guy in your life, leave him alone! Contrary to what you might think, if you leave a guy alone while he is working or working out his emotional issues, he will absolutely love and respect you for that.

When a girl is going through a rough phase in her life, she needs someone she can talk her feelings to. Guys don’t usually do that. The mind of a man and that of a woman are differently wired and thus, work more differently than you might think.

So when your guy tells you that he has something on his mind or seems irritated, angry or negative, leave him alone. This is because men think alone in silence.

The biggest mistake a girl can do while a man is working on something is to call him incessantly or start a long chat with him on SMS/messages. Ladies, it will drive your man crazy and though he might reply every time and pickup your calls because he genuinely cares for you, he will not be the same.

Girls on the other hand want emotional support when they are sad or are working on something. So if she is doing something, your girl would expect you to be there for her every second of your being. That’s because your physical or emotional proximity matters to her.

However, when girls assume that what they need must be the same thing that their guy needs, they start ‘caring’ for him and that’s when he starts getting pissed off!

There is no one to be blamed because when a guy is having a hard time, he needs to be alone. So when he sees his girl being upset, mad or just ‘acting up,’ he leaves her alone to sort out her issues because that is what he thinks is best for her, and because he does the same and is cool with it.

The girl however feels abandoned and retreats into cold silence for a long time. She doesn’t call, she doesn’t text and she doesn’t initiate any kind of contact. The guy is happy and thinks that it’s a good thing that she is getting time to think, big mistake man! When you call her, she is going to blame you for leaving her alone when she needed your ‘care.’ The guy is gonna be confused out of his wits and say, “Man, I just don’t get what these chicks want!”

So ladies, the next time when you guy is working or is going through an emotionally testing time, just leave him alone. Give him the permission and the approval of silent support. Tell him that you love him and are there for him whenever he needs you, but don’t call him or ask him too many questions just because you care. Leave him SMS's occasionally telling him how much you care, love him and respect him for his work, he will never let you down. If you can do this successfully, he will truly love you with everything he has got!

If you call him 10 times in a day just to tell him that you bought cute little yellow sandals which have pink polka dotted ribbons on them, or that your best friend said something to your other best friend, or just to tell him about your day because you don’t want him to miss out on anything, the truth is, that HE WANTS TO MISS OUT ON THIS KIND OF STUFF!

Men are simple creatures and derive happiness from doing simple things. Let him polish his car, let him hangout with his friends, let him be alone, just let him be.

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Books by Ankush Modawal

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Forgiveness - A true story

This is a true story of a girl who once was my friend. We were talking over the phone and she was telling me about her mother who had died when she was about 16 years old.

She started telling me about her and after a while, choked up and started crying.

She told me, “You know, till date I keep my ammi’s photo besides my bed. Do you know why?”

“Because you miss her?” I asked.

“Yes, I do. But the main reason is because I have a regret. When she was on her deathbed and taking her last breaths, she gestured to me with her hand with whatever little strength she had for me to come closer.”

“I was too angry at her because of some stupid fight we had 2 weeks ago. I shouted at her instead. She cried and reached out to my hand as much as she could, desperately, but I didn’t even let her touch me.”

“In a few minutes, she closed her eyes forever.”

“No matter how much I cried since that moment onward, no matter how much I hugged her, I couldn’t touch her. I regret that I could not forgive her at the right time, I regret that I could not touch her the one last time. I could not tell her how much I loved her.”

People think I am perfect. That’s logical right? I mean an author who talks so positively about empowerment, about spirituality and all. The truth is, I am not. In fact, I have done some really terrible things in my life that till this day, I wish I could take them back.

I too have been blinded by anger, rage and almost every negative emotion that almost everyone else goes through.

Each and every instance has taught me to become more loving, more tolerant of others and the most important lesson, to forgive.

It’s true, hurt people, hurt people. If you are reading this, ask yourself, who do you need to forgive in your life? You wouldn’t have to look too far in your mind.

Forgive them. Forgive them for what they could not be for you, for what they were never able to give to you, forgive them for being human and having their fair share of faults.

There is truly a lot of healing power in forgiveness. Remember, it is only the strong of heart who can forgive. Forgive yourself and others because if you are looking for the guilty, you would just have to look in the mirror.

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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Using Negativity Positively

"The problem with this wonderful vibrational Universe we live in is that we get what we look for." -Ankush Modawal

Not just at one point of my life, I have had the very strong desire to stop living. When the negativity inside you breeds like an unchecked weed, you know that you are headed steadily in the direction of trouble.

There have been countless times in my life when everything seems to be working out for me on the outside but I was dying inside. So what did I do?

You cannot fight negativity with negativity, it will multiply itself. You have to ignore what you don't want and focus on what you DO want.

Not many have been able to master this simple technique but this is the only technique that works when dealing with anything.

The most important thing in this life for you to do is to figure out what you want in it. You have to find what you are looking for.

Since childhood, I have faced a lot of negative issues and each time I did, I became very clear as to what I did want to have in my life. Since, I figured out most of all this stuff myself and writing was my passion, I began to write about uplifting others and how they can achieve success in their lives.

I became a very successful author ONLY BECAUSE of facing negativity and learning from it what I truly wanted in my life.

Now, whatever negativity you are facing, look at it very dispassionately and realize that whatever negative situation that has manifested in your life, you want the opposite of that. Here are some of examples:

My life has been full of struggles.
I can relate well to those who are struggling with their lives and can help them better because I understand how they feel.

I have never been financially very successful.
I have come to know the value of money so that when I became successful, I knew it's value.

I have been cheated on in my relationships.
The people who cheated on me showed me the error of my ways and I got to learn a lesson from them.

There is a positive seed in every negative situation. So sit down someplace peacefully, get a notepad and a pencil and sort out your emotions by using the above technique of using negativity positively.

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