“If you
cannot be your own best friend, you are bound to become your worst enemy.” –Ankush Modawal
repeats itself if we don’t learn from the mistakes we have suffered from in our
past. Time and again, in my life I used to observe a pattern.
Things repeated
themselves in form of bad luck or ill-fate, or when my time was ‘good,’ a
string of events would happen that would unfold fortunate circumstances for me.
Victory or
defeat always happens in streaks and I used to wonder about this phenomenon a
lot. Also, at some point of time or not, even after years, I would find myself
in the same situation where I had been before.
Month after
month, in spite of trying and working my ass off towards what I wanted, I was
still stuck at the same spot I had started at.
Or maybe in
some more horrible instances, I was given the ‘illusion’ of moving forward. But
Karma is a bitch and this thing called good luck in my life was as elusive of
me as a fart in a storm! It seemed to me as if happiness came at a price, I was
happy for some time and then something happened that just messed everything up
again! There was a lot of back and forth emotional activity, but I wasn’t
getting anywhere in my life, I was stuck.
But until I discovered
the root cause of all my miseries, this life still gave me a lot of ‘tough love’
and I was FORCED by the hand of destiny to change my life.
If you have been in a relationship and if you have had your heart broken, you would find that in a very short period of time, you find yourself in a similar kind of situation where your heart will be broken again!
If your
financial situation is screwed up right now, chances are they have always been
screwed up, or at least for the most part of your life. This wasn’t the first
month you just got by through your expenses for this month, it has been like
that for every month.

Here are the Top 5 ways people shoot themselves in the foot:
#1: Ignoring
your intuition: The number one reason for self sabotage is ignoring what you
know within your heart. The heart on the left is always right. People might lie
or tell you what you want to hear but base all your decisions on the way you
feel. If you have a strong and developed intuition, you would be able to read
into a person’s words no matter what they tell you. Although it sucks when
people who you care about lie, even if they do, you would know.
#2: Having
the wrong people: The 2nd most important and top reason for your
life to be completely fucked up is associating, hanging out or even maintaining
contact with the wrong people. In my opinion, this has been the top reason in
my life and in the life of others. Consciousness is ever flowing and when you
exchange words, you exchange more than just ideas. If you have come across a lot
of people who held the wrong intentions for you, believe me or not, you will be
screwed. I was too and it’s not a good feeling.
#3: Losing out on good people: Don’t just think that you are right at all times. There are
people who hold good intentions for you as well. You might have been a pain in
the ass to live with and yet, someone who might have loved you a lot must’ve
stuck by your side no matter the emotional pain you have caused them. But there
might come a time when they will just give up, move on and let you be your own
worst enemy. Again, if you believe yourself to be a righteous, pompous and selfish
bitch/bastard, think again before you lose out on the people who care about you
the most.
“When you
are headed on the wrong path you just cannot have the right people travel with you
because they would have tried to stop you right where you started.” –Ankush Modawal
#4: Not
taking the signs of the Universe: What is life trying to tell you? Have you been
postponing a decision that you have been wanting to take for long? What are you
being guided towards and are still not going there?
#5: Not
reading my books: LOL, just kiddin’ but at some levels I am serious. Alright,
here is the real number 5th reason. You know what the
greatest challenge for me has been?
“The greatest
challenge for me has been to try and help people who didn’t want to help
themselves.” –Ankush Modawal
#5: Waiting
until the last moment until the pain becomes unbearable: In my life, I have
come across and interacted with thousands of people. From my experience, I have
come to the conclusion that unless people hit rock bottom and come to a point
in life where their pain is too great to handle, they won’t do shit about how
they live. Most wait until the very last minute to do what they should’ve done a
long time before. Some people just contact me as if I am some sort of an agony
They write really loooooong mails to me bitching about the unfairness of
life and how they find themselves in the same situations again and again. I am
humble to all of them and tell them the 3 magical words that make everyone’s
life so wonderful, “Read my books!”
And on the
other hand, there are really smart people who don’t even need to read my books and
guess what, they hang onto every word I say, are the first ones to order my
books as soon as I release them and make an honest effort to stay updated as to
whatever is happening in my life.
I even tell them on their face that they don’t
need to read my books, they know so much already! And they tell me the minute
we think of ourselves as know it alls, we are as good as dead!
WOW! This is
the kind of stuff that inspires me to write every day. To share my daily
discoveries with as many people I can.
The paradox
of life prevails, those who need to read my books the most read the least and
the people who need to read my books the least read them the most. Let me tell
you one thing, if you are reading my words, there is definitely a message here
for you. Whatever that message is, only you can figure it out.
“It’s not in
my nature to judge people, in my opinion, people judge themselves on the basis
of the perception they think others hold of them.” –Ankush Modawal
I have just shared
a few ideas and a bit of my experiences with you here. I cannot force you to do
the right thing or make decisions for you, I am just your well-wisher hoping you
would do the best for yourself and separate yourself from the herd mentality.
“You are the
only one who can set yourself free.” –Ankush Modawal
For more on manifesting your dreams into your reality, order and read my books, have them delivered to your home.
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