1). Men love happy girls:
Any mentally and physically healthy man would want a lively, positive and feminine presence around him. We might not say it but seeing you happy is one of the thing that makes us the happiest. That's really attractive.
2). Men have feelings:
We might not cry but when we feel bad, mountains of shit move within us and what we feel sometimes can't be put in words, so we just stay quiet. In fact, in those times there is too much violence going on within us to even voice it out. We are as bad ass as Chuck Norris on steroids driving a nuclear tank at that time.
3). Men abuse each other verbally:
Honestly, we just like saying shit to our friends. We laugh, we talk nonsense and curse each other like we are enemies, then we laugh like demons. But that's just our way of bonding with our friends. Women bond by complimenting other women but just like them, we usually don't mean our curses.
4). Men are attracted to beauty:
If you look like a Victoria Secret model, you've got our attention. In reality, every woman is beautiful, that's what gets us curious and attracted to you.
5). Men crave chemistry:
The next thing we seek after beauty is connection and chemistry, if we like being around you, we'll stick with you despite your little quirks or faults.
6). Men want you to be friends with their friends:
Men want you to like their best friends. Best friends are hard to find. Especially when 2 men bond and feel comradeship, it's usually for life, so if you're admitted in the wolf pack as a member, you're special.
7). Men don't like nagging:
You can nag us into doing 99 things that you want but watch out, the 100th time we are gonna explode.
8). Men like to help around:
When we are not being bums or lazing around, we like helping you out with your chores and keep everything working in order. It's very cute for us to see you hunting around for groceries or when you are shopping. But, be quick and focused as much as you can be. When we shop, it's like we are on a mission. We go in, get what we want and leave ASAP. If it's gonna be like that, then we are happy to go with you, otherwise just take your sister, mom or female friend with you.
9). Men have a self healing mechanism
When we are hurt, we don't talk or discuss anything with anyone. We just become quiet, aloof and are facing the storm within us. Also, at the end of every day, we really appreciate some alone time when we just do nothing but just think. At that time, leave us alone.
10). Men can keep a secret:
When someone tells us something that they don't want anyone else to know, we are keeping our mouth shut about it and taking it to our grave. 'nuff said.
11). Men love food and sex:
This is no secret, but a gentle reminder. People say that those who believe that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach might be aiming just a little higher, but if you are smart enough, you'll get what I'm saying. So if you are a good cook, we are already your slaves. By the way, what's for dinner at your place tonight? I'm hungry.
12). Men fall in love hard:
When we are in love, the only woman we want to be with is you. We might look at other girls or talk to them, but you are the only one on our minds. Also, after a breakup we take longer time to heal and we can never truly forget things, but just lock those memories in a box and throw the keys away.
13). Men cannot multitask:
When we are working or watching T.V or reading a book, we are in a different reality and are fully focused on what we are doing, we zone you out, completely. Seriously, we might act we are listening to you but we are not. If you want our attention, slap us on our cheek lightly or tap our shoulder, until you do and we face towards you, our ears might be open but our minds are closed.
14). Men love it when you go out with your friends:
When you have fun with your friends and are happy, we are genuinely happy for you. If you can do the same for us, instead of calling incessantly, texting like a maniac or trying to get our attention, we will love you more.
15). Men love video games:
And if you beat our ass in any game, we shall worship you like a Goddess.
16). Men too have a crazy sense of love:
If you have managed to successfully piss a man off and in a fit of anger he says he wants to kill you and doesn't, he truly loves you. Firstly because you can press his buttons enough to make him angry, secondly, he lets you live. The same goes for women as well, if you've ever experienced bat shit crazy love, chances are you've already murdered each other mentally on several occasions.

17). Men love fixing things:
It gives us a sense of importance about ourselves. If we have even a little bit of knowledge about what's broken, we will first try to fix it ourselves. If we fix it, we feel like Superman for about an hour or so. If we screw it up eve more, we will get it fixed ASAP. In fact, if you want to get something fixed, the fastest way to get us to get it fixed is to somehow make us believe we are the ones who broke it. Men are quick to correct our mistakes, at least the ones we want corrected.
18). Men love cars and bikes:
"You can tell everything about a man by the way he drives his car and the way he takes care of it." -Ankush Modawal
Our cars or bikes are usually the 2nd most important thing to us after you.
19). Men like honesty:
Soap opera type drama, mind games and petty things don't interest us, we'll observe and listen to you politely for some time but our minds are screaming shut up. After a minute, we'll speak our mind out and tell you to shut up ladies.
20). Men will do everything they have to do:
A man will do everything to support you and his family. Sometimes, we also sacrifice our own dreams without saying a word.
"As time passes by and we age, we try to make peace with what we didn't or couldn't do by finding solace in thinking about the things we did." -Ankush Modawal
No man will tell you this but if you really want to know, sit with him and have a drink or two, look in his eyes and ask him about his life's story. If he is comfortable and open enough with you, you are in for some exciting stories and adventures.
In the end, all we really want is to be told that you appreciate us in your life and we can really tell the moments in which you mean what you say. So if you found this article helpful, share these secrets with other women and if you are a woman, tell the men in your life that they are special right now. A sincere thank you will do and a sincere thank you to you for reading.
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