Someone asked me a very profound question, "what is life?"
I asked myself that and then my intuition answered, "life is a mirror that reflects our deepest thoughts."
What we experience in our lives is our deepest thoughts, intentions, emotions, fears, insecurities, compassion and visions. Every person who lives is different on a cellular level because we are extensions of an infinite mind. Since it's infinite, that's why neither two human beings nor their finger prints are alike.
We all have the power to accept an idea or reject it in our mind, but whatever we accept, whether it's an idea of what we want or a detailed picture of what we don't want, that idea plays out in our reality.
Imagine you've typed 'life sucks,' on your computer screen and take one printout.
What do you think will be printed on it? If you guessed, 'life sucks,' then you are a genius!
But you didn't want that right? I hope you didn't.
You wanted, 'life's awesome.'
So you tear that page up and try again, hoping that this time it would be different, this time you take a 100 printouts, and guess what? They're all the same and say, 'life sucks.'
But then you see others and their life's awesome. Confused, you scratch your head and convince yourself, they must be the lucky ones.
But that's not the case.
Our problems start when we try to change the printed pages that keep popping out of the printer but when they don't, we accept in our minds that this is how reality is supposed to be. Without changing the cause of our 'failure,' we accept defeat and that too wrongly.

GIGO: Garbage in garbage out.
GIGO: Goodshit in goodshit out.
All you need to change your life is to change your thoughts. Anyone who has accomplished anything great, good or bad in life is all a reflection of their thoughts. Nothing more and nothing less.
If you are reading this on your iphone, it was Steve Jobs idea. If you are sitting on a chair, that chair was someone's idea. If you are listening to music, that song was someone's idea. We are living in the world of ideas where they manifest when thought about for long enough.
Now see your life and realize that the things you have a hard time dealing with are the things you have a negative attitude about. Remember that thoughts are invisible but they are responsible for creating everything that's visible around us.
So what is the mirror of your life reflecting?
If there is an area of your life that's now working out, relationships, money or health, ask yourself, what do I believe about this that has brought in my life such results?
"You might not be able to change other people but what you actually want to change is your own destiny." -Ankush Modawal
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